Sunday, June 27, 2010

ill never break your heart - Backstreet boys.

My boyfriend gets a little too sweet whenever we have unnecessary issues going on.

Earlier today, me being the usual whiny erm ME, was complaining how i hungry i am. and i just wanna have KFC chickens. ONLY. nothing else. see, so stubborn. other than that, i would give it a pass. and so, he offered if i want him to buy some and bring it over. i tried to be nice and said if he thinks im not troubling him, then why not! and no, i never really yearn for him to send me food. he did it a couple of times of course, but im not that heartless to force him to travel all the way over just to send me food. haha. i can be sucha a dweeb at times.

Then awhile later, we had a little tiny mini argument. really unnecessary. but it was all started by me, i must admit. my selfish character aint diminishing anytime soon. i do need help i guess. alright. so the silly tiff kept on going until he told me to come down to get my KFC chickens(!) trust me, he was real mad previously, so i assumed he didnt wanna meet me at all. this boy is full of surprises, how can i ever forget that. so i rushed down the steps to see him holding on to a big packet of 2 piece chicken meal. i was only expecting 'snackers', really. he truly understands my love for chicken thighs and drumsticks. aww sweet!

Thank you HoneyBee for being such a sweetheart. <3

damn, how could i have forgotten? :/

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