Thursday, June 24, 2010

How i first met Sufi Hizrian Part 1 [EDITTED]

NOTE : this post could be a lil confusing/ too lengthy / too mushy. the decision is yours. either you stay or leave. bear with me, aye. (:

Frankly, i have been considering about posting this up for a long long time, now. i did admit about sharing this post, way way back. so here it is. its gonna be long. and yes, im still trying to improve on my language.

Im sure everyone has their own taste of first love. probably, first love is the most unforgettable feeling. that special sentiment only you could feel, and will never be able to be interpreted in words. i was in a state of delusion when he first caught my eye. never once have i thought i would end up with him, never once. i find him too perfect for a partner. my partner at least. but its apparent enough that im the lucky one who was able to capture his heart. he for sure, is the best thing i’ve ever had. never once have i regret his existence in my life, in me. everyone has their own love story, we have ours too. in my case - ‘i liked him at first, but dislike him the next ... but youll never know, love is unexpected.’

To tell you the truth, Sufi & I go waaay back. we started off as friends in Secondary School. he’s my senior and both of us studied in the same neighbourhood school. don’t believe me? see this..

just look! we have the same uniform!

okay no, i was definitely kidding. we weren’t from the same school. our schools, are located far far away from the other. i was from Yio Chu Kang Sec, and he’s from Punggol Sec. surprisingly, our school uniforms almost looked alike. and look at me. those were my ‘act cute times’, man. HAHA! oh i was a student councillor too, did you know? yes, a student councillor who always got caught for short skirt and ankle socks, by the DM Mr Rumi. (I WASNT A TYPICAL MINAH BTW, I USED TO BE A GEEK!) talking about Mr Rumi, i saw him earlier today on my way to school. still so small size, i think i bigger than him ah. he could recognise me from afar, he even waved(!). Mr Rumi will never get ‘my short skirt issues’. i just cant get it above my waist, because my waist line is too wide and i cant find any skirt suitable for my waist. i have no choice, Mr Rumi. HAHA!

OKAY STOP JOKING AROUND. back to reality.

year 2007 - i cant exactly remember the date. but i remember the day he first added me on ...

Yes Friendster! (God bless Friendster. FS used to be a big hit during those days.) i didnt know him then, neither did he. but before, accepting friend requests was like the norm. people tried hard to compete who has more friends. and so you guessed it. i accepted every request there was, even those i never knew in real life. as for me & Sufi, yes, we started off as perfect strangers. but of course, thanks to his FS photos, i found out that he was(and still is) Rizal's (my sec sch senior) friend in ITE College East. look, during that year, i was still in Sec 4. im about to sit for my O levels. never would i have thought, i would continue studying at the same school as him. in fact, the moment I stepped into CE, i didnt even remember Sufi was studying there too.

So back to my 'story', a few days upon accepted request, he sent me a message on FS itself - asking for my email add. okay, again, i was all about making friends those times aye. im sure all you readers had your fair share of such 'a lil too friendly' times too. okay wait, when i was viewing his profile for the first time, actually, i already find him cute. heh. no i mean really, among all the other friends i had on my list, he was pretty .. charming (of course i could only make that out through his pictures.) i like this pic of his. i find it 'cute'.


Then i take a look at this one. i think he looked even cuter from the way he 'smile'.
(he rarely smile, im sure everyone knows that. but bila part Jesicca Alba ... ummmph! bukan main!) So yeah i ended up giving him my email add (which the same one still does exist up till now) and we chatted both online and on FS. i like the way he responds, every single time. very heart warming, i felt really comfortable chatting with him. but i havent 'liked' him just yet. i mean cmon, i used to believe 'online' dating never will work out. i was wrong. not for our case, though.

We then brought it to the next level. he asked for my phone number, which i willingly gave up. yeah wow. i know most of you might think 'that's fast'. uhhuh, i havta admit, it was fast. only a few chats and we exchanged numbers? but i cant help it. i find him too nice. i really felt comfortable with him. i know it sounds like 'im too easy' kinda thing. look guys, up till now, never once i regretted passing up my num. (:


That night, he texted. i replied, but wasnt as much. the reason? let that be history. we 'went apart' for about a year .. until ..

Year 2008 - i was posted to ITE college east. at the same time i was taking my Private O (again). i wasnt interested in school during the first few weeks. i skipped alot. even so, through the days, i made lots of awesome friends. the clan is still the best tho, up till now. i was happy to have them around every day. but my heart just wasnt in school. furthermore, tragedy happens(again, this shall stay private. for those who knows, i appreciate your help during those tragic times.)

It totally rips off my mind that i was in the same school as Sufi. i cant exactly remember Sufi, even. there was once, i 'think' i saw him. i kinda recognise his face a lil. but never really got into it because we havent been contacting for more than a year.

Until one day. (26 august 2008, one day before my birthday). i attended school and received a text from Rizal that he was in school (year 2 Sports management students was on attachment, at that time) and i decided to meet him. so i went down, met him at the table outside Co-op(a shop which sells the cheapest plain water!). and Rizal came with this unrecognisable guy. i remembered ...

Rizal : tu Sufi. ( thats Sufi. )
Me : oh erm.. ( *looked at him and smiled )

My mind went 'Man, he's hot. besar or what sia dekni. how come he looked so different from pictures eh?'.
No, if you were me, look at this pic, wouldn’t you be confused and surprised? does this pic even resembles Sufi Hizrian? got same or not? you tell me.

But guess what, as soon as i looked at him, HE LOOKED AWAY! HE WASNT EVEN LOOKING AT ME. REALLY! OMG. he didnt sit with us. he didnt talk to us. since then i didnt 'like' him, right that moment! (so fast, i know) i dislike him, alot. i stereotyped a lot about him. i find him EXTREMELY arrogant.

Then ...

Came this pretty girl. also standing outside co-op. and Sufi was staring at her! (wa darah up woooh). yes, i mean stare STARE! he cant get his eyes off her la wahlauu. [okay okay ive yearned long enough to say this : ‘ye laaa, i ni siape kan, budak logistic wearing the same polo tee as the others, tak cantik, tak attractive.' HAHA! everytime i say this he’ll go .. ‘i tak tengok dia la! she was looking at me, so i look at her back la.’ that one means tak tengok meh? -.-!] and all those while, i was still looking at him. i dislike him more. i felt a tinge of jealousy in me. i have no idea why. but i was certain i dislike him. when its time to go, he walked off without even turning back. -.-!

Soon enough, i wasnt thinking about it, at all. i never thought i would be friends with him anyway.

The next day (27th august, my birthday). again i met Rizal at the stadium. this was coincidental. Year 2 SM students were having an event there, at the same time, i was there because my friends wants me to. but first, Rizal came over to me to wish me happy birthday. and you bet, Sufi was there too. yes he was, just sightly further way from us. and Rizal shouted...

'Sufi, niari Fini nye birthday tau. tak nak wish ke?'.

His response? he turned, gave me this arrogant look, and turned away. WAAAAAH! (bikin hati gua hottt only). i was extremely upset la of course! not that i want him to wish me or anything like that, but at least smile can? wahliewwww my birthday lehhh! but my adorable friends made the situation a whole lot better, they actually gave me a small surprise and sang a cute song created by them & them only! too sweet. i cried. heee.

Again, soon, i kinda forget whatever happened earlier on.

That night at 11 ++ pm, Sufi texted me 'happy birthday Fini!'. nice. uhmm nice. it was wholly unexpected. i was surprised. its been an uber longgggg time since he last texted. i never knew he still kept my number.

No wait, actually i was on the phone with Humai during that time, and this was what we talked about ..

Me : eh Sufi msg happy birthday?
Humai : lerr, Sufi mana pulak?
Me : yang dulu tu laa, i told you. da lama tak msg. niari msg pulak. sombong je.
Humai : oh yang tu. waah fini, sufi msg sehhh. (that used to be her fav line -.-)

SEEEEE! even humai cant remember him. its been awhile. a longgg while to be exact. but .. i cant help but reply him la hor. abe da capture my heart already then what to do. seriously cant help it. HAHAHA! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! (side note : its 2 in the morning. its rare for me to stay up here with my Presario, updating my blog k. so my brain like sot sikit. ignore me.) yes, i replied him once and soon we began texting all night. i asked him how he knew it was my birthday (soalan bodoh). he answered, apart from what Rizal told him earlier, Zainul (his friend, which surprisingly happens to be my classmate) informed him about it. errm wow, who would have thought huh.

The next day, i searched the school for him. haha, okay not exactly search the whole school la, the school so big-.- but yes, i cant deny that i really did search for him but he was nowhere to be found. i then bravely decides to sent him a text, and i did. (first brave encounter). i waited eagerly for his reply but 15mins later, my phone receives no text message. i have this habit of switching off my phone whenever someone didnt reply to my texts. i did just that and within minutes, Zainul came up, passed his phone to me cos 'Sufi wanna talk to you'. err wow. i was speechless. i put the phone on my ear and could only murmur a soft 'hello'. he asked why i wasnt replying to him and why my phone wasn’t turned on when he called. he sound so MANLY. HAHA! im starting my nonsense again. no i mean really. you know some guys right, when they talk on the phone, their voices sounded different at the end of the line. and yeah, it was my first time hearing his voice too. so i was practically dumbfounded. i said i will text him in awhile, and so the texting goes on right after .. up till this very minute. he never once decides to stop texting me.. (:

end of Part 1. wait up for Part 2 aye.

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