Sunday, March 07, 2010

advertorial? i wish.

i need some chips right now. badly. it'll get along really well with milo & pearls. a perfect combo for night snacks.

the thought of already being multiple-ly busy the past few days(& going to, for the weeks to come), totally dampens my mood. im very much of a morning person(now, that i just realised), im working from 9 to 5 tomorrow onwards. actually, this is pretty enlightening. not having to turning in late and walking down the lonely streets back home alone is.. refreshing. and very much secured. also because, my hero is not anywhere above me .. flying his way to my place. he's stuck in camp, the whole week. and guess what, he's going on field camp? whut. seriously. so does it makes me feel better or worst. well of course, you know the answer.

i havent been stacking myself up with the everyday news.
i have been missing alot from tumblr.
i made people missed out updates on my life. (ha ha, as if anybody really cares)
i struggled with sleep, & time for my family, sufi & the girls.
i havent had time to eat the right food, at the right time. (yes, i am getting fatter)

but i did pamper myself with one thing - hair mask.

haha. essential hair mask, to be more accurate. it really is worth buying. i didnt regret paying $8.90(i got a discount, HAHA!) for a hair product. and proof to be told, my hair does feel lighter and smoother. and must you know, i dont trust commercial products very much. to me, these ambassadors praises these products just because they have to. well, they earn money from doing it, dont they? so yeah, im feeling so nice, to let my readers(as if i have many) experience the same sensational mind blowing goodness feeling thats flowing in me, right now. yes, i used it this morning and see, im still feeling great even now.

here's a picture of the essential hair mask. (extracted from xiaxue's blog.)

its good, try it. did i just got myself to do an advertisement? nope. not really(:

proceeding on with my story, besides having a reckless job that resides me to my bed everytime i comes home, i still need an attempt to get to sleep. cos when youre boyfriend isnt around to 'virtually' cuddle you in bed, you might as well stay up all night. but Sufi is sweet enough to make an effort every single time for me to have a good night sleep. every night. (: so, thank you Baby.
& yes, i had a great fun last night. finally a few hours to retrieve the times we've missed. and that few hours is worth it. with us holding hands, corny jokes followed by giggly laughters, grooving to 'we are the world 25 for Haiti' & guessing the singers, you rapped & im the t-pain robotic's voice, light smooches in between, dining in at hajjah maimunah and ... ice skating eh? yes, its our first, but o m g, wasnt it FUN? i would say YES YES YES. im not that all good, and he's a fast learner, so what does that makes me? i must admit i was a pain in the ass. and totally disrupts his fun. he had to slowly train me how to glide, how i had to lean forward and not standing up straight. i made such a fuss. but i didnt give up, and that's what matters. i didnt fall on bum, never. Sufi did. at least there's a slight difference. haha. on the contrary, the whole new experience was just what we need. and we love it. not many pictures were taken. and none is highly acceptable to be posted here, cos i totally dressed in slack. will post it up one if i changed my mind.

this is to make up to my readers for ive been missing out. sorry, once again.

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