Thursday, December 10, 2009

Early this morning, i was complimented by a reknowned sarcastic Faci that i am a 'good reader'. so should i live the day showing gratitude or well, remain selfless in today's non-tgif lesson. no, i should continue to be a good girl, from yesterday. cos im proud to say that i was a helpful daughter at home when mum was out to send uncle to the hospital. oh damn, again that dreadful place. never mind travelling, or staying over with uncle, but ive promised myself i will be there with my uncle, no matter what. for those who dont know, im that close to my uncle. really tight bond. i hope he'll be fine, and please dont make him stay longer, he gets bored easily, he'll do whatever it takes to go for a puff, and he's afraid of being alone. i hope there is really nothing wrong with him, InsyaAllah.
  • i dread to present. because i just cant stay still, i fidget alot.
  • it worries me that Marketing UT is not done yet, i dont think i did a good job revising last night.
  • i am so worn off. whats with the cramps AND something called 'presentation'.
  • im hungry, but will only have my fill when i reach hospital. i miss ttsh's yong tau foo, (although for sure, anywhere else's ytf are nothing compared to Simei's [:)
  • i am going to stay at ttsh till night, and alone. hmm...

oh well. thats about it. i need to revise on Marketing again. URGHHHHH! se-te-resssss!

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