Sunday, December 06, 2009

3 inch platforms.

a fine class date indeed. i wasnt dressed classy neither did we have lunch @ classy restaurant even after much planning.

i left home early to fetch him from home. sometimes, its nice being nice(: we travelled all the way over to Marina Square right after to have lunch @ Seoul Garden. told you its not worth the money if i were to dine in there, ever. but then again, i desperately craved for cockles. & Sufi, forever following my suit if its about food that i consume, gave in. learning from past experiences dining in SG, i only grabbed small portions of each servings. i did. i had four rounds of grabbing dry plates altogether. but well of course, Baby had more. we had a fully cooked feast. if its not for my guidance(:

we left for Ion Orchard. like finally. since its been officially open, i have yet to step a foot in that beautiful architectured building. & i finally did, but decided not to walk around too much because there's just too many shops! i almost went crazy. ALMOST. but, i didnt have that much money with me to go on a spree. so i embraced, & kept my hands to myself. though i felt regretful not getting that knee length Uni Qlo dress): & if i had that much cash with me ytd, i would have bought Baby that handsome jacket. hefty price, but its absolutely charming. well no doubt, he looked even more gorgeous in it(: the toilet is awesome i must say. its prettayyy. i can spend hours beautifying my face. yes, it has that soothy feeling.

i didnt wanna stay any longer, forcing myself through the crowd, so i told Baby we should go somewhere. furthermore, my foot was hurting. i wore platforms, because apparently mum misplaced my 'original' footwear for the day which was the other mondo gold beaded pumps which havent been worn just yet. that kinda brought me down a lil. but with the company of my favourite boy, all was better, always.

so we made our way to Cineleisure to get his favourite doughnuts of all time. we were being approached by a friendly surveyor & whats the survey about? - cramps. PERIOD CRAMPS. she said we can exchange the pads for goodie bags. i disturbed Baby when the girl handed him the pack of 'regular wings' which he had to hold it. haha! though he looked uneasy, Sufi being the sporting boyfriend as always, makes me happy. he didnt upset me. he even joined in to share his thoughts in which the question was "why are you happy when you have cramps?". so obviously that question totally wasnt related to him even in the tiniest way, his answer to the question. "im able to give my girlfriend all the care, concern and love when she most needs it." awwwh. *draws heart shape. haha! the girl directeds us to the booth for the exchange of goody bags. i went in alone, hoping to get 2 bags, because i have two answers, but only left the booth with one. haha. someone was disappointed. he missed out a packet of pringles, herbal essence conditioner and.. girl's shaver. HAHA!

we entered Cine in search of our usual delicious donuts. i picked out Honey Glazed, which is MY all time favourite. and two more packs of 3 mini donuts each to go along. i forced my way to the cashier to pay first. and the one who served us, was this really cute lil girl, who has the perfect customer service etiquette. haha, really! she was good. it was a family business by the way. & they served us well(:

then off we made our to our secret hideout, just the two of us. and one word. 'lovely'(:

picture of the day.

rest of the pictures @ multiply.

today. at 5.15 pm.

Baby came over and i sneaked out to meet him at my place. NOT HOUSE-.- haha. he's really sweet. he came all the way over from his house in Sengkang just to spend 15mins with me before he left for camp. that is bad. him booking in, is always bad. its always not a nice feeling. & what makes it worst, he's leaving for field camp tmr, for 4 days! whats new? ):

when im wrapped up tightly in your arms, & you speaked softly,
"take good care of yourself okay love?"
my heart feels like its been 'squeezed'. my heart cries.
the more steps you take, further away from me,
the more i want you here, just right here.

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