Tuesday, October 13, 2009

'Missing someone isn’t about how long it has been since you have seen them or the
amount of time since you’ve talked. It’s about that very moment when you’re
doing something and you wish that they were right there with you.' - via creampuff.

i felt delighted today because, i did something productive in the mornin'. from waking up early, to not rushing myself to clean up, to having done with my morning prayers, groomed my hair(its not much of a grooming actually), drank Milo & had breakfast prepared by my mum.

though, worrying myself that bus no. 72 wont come in time, followed by having to walk to school since the busses are fully packed, i still managed to get to school on time! ive been reaching school ON TIME EACH & EVERY DAY FOR TWO WHOLE WEEKS! HOW AWESOME. :D being on time means, i reach class approx from 8.28am-8.30am. im glad because, i havent been marked late just yet. again, HOW AWESOME. im so proud of myself, arent you?

anyway, i gave mum a call just now, to thank her for preparing my breakfast. she sounded happy as much as i do(:

but one thing im definitely upset about, is that my dearest Hizrian is in camp(or not?). i was told he had a live range over at pasir laba camp. was it? did i hear him right? sorry, i was half awake when he called me at 430 this morning. i wonder how he's doing. i hope he eats well & rest well. gosh, God knows how much i miss that boy.

but then again, whenever i think of you Baby.
i feel butterflies up my stomach.
i feel the bliss of my adrenaline rushing.
Baby, i feel just the purest happiness.

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