Sunday, October 18, 2009

"eh eh, moncong dier, sampai sengkang pon boleh npk". hehe.

finally, i get to spend my day with Sufi yesterday. ive been waiting for so long, really. & we had fun. yes we did. actually, in a few words, just being with him alone feels great. anywhere, anytime. we dont have to go to the expense on having a luxurious dinner or spent dollars entering interesting places, i bet these wont even measure up to having the best 'just the both of us alone' times when im with him. am i overdoing/exaggerating it? indulge this however you want it.

despite waking up at 730 just to help mum with household chores(hey come on, its a saturday, the only day i can actually help with the spring cleaning), and waking the boy for i dont know what, countless times? which of course did piss me off, much. im delighted, well, at the very least, i did something productive. but then again, i dont mind getting pissed when he didnt answer my calls. becauseeee... its not all the time i can get (or pretend to be) angry with him. & when i do, i can get him to calm me down with em' too sweet words(& should i add, non-hesistant acts?) heee. i just love it.

& so, we met up at 12noon. i was furious. we were suppose to meet at 10am. so he's two hours late. i ran all the way down, with my shorts almost falling off my hips, to find him in the cab smiling sheepishly at me. he knew he was late. & so i made it worst, by showing my 'action-angry-face' (very moncong face). i can never make it. ill end up giggling to myself. but still, he did well you know, calm me down & things like that. hehe. then, i find myself hungry for.. sweets! to be specific, his fisherman's friend, for i know he'll have it with him, anytime. & so i asked for it, & what do i get. a simple answer 'no'(+cheeky smile). he's getting back at me. grr. i tried to 'action-angry' again, but to no avail. he laughed even more. i tried giving him 'act-cute-faces' then. but he said, "you wont get it even if you make those act cute faces of yours" and laughed some more. wahhh, i not happy. so i just searched for it in his pockets, found it & pop it in my mouth. he just smiled. heee(:

its been long since i last seen him carrying that bag(:

first we dropped by beach rd, to get his army stuffs. lots of bald head young men. somehow, its such a cute sight. Sufi included. haha. then, we went to buy fried spring chicken at....

hehe yes! this is a legendary stall selling awesome fried chickens. & they still have it there at beach rd! so, im satisfied.

next, we went over to vivo. such a bad choice. not knowing its deepavali/public holiday, we found lots & lots of both locals & especially foreigners strolling around, & 'chopping' spots along shady area. we had a hard time finding 'our' spot. but we finally did, & had our late lunch. Sufi bought extra fishball noodle to go along. we sat, talked & just glancing around.

tired of just seating & chatting, we decides to move over to bugis to get his $5 watch for his stay in camp. he told me he didnt wanna bring along the watch i bought him because he aint wanna have scratches all over it. awwh sweet. & so we searched, found & i said i wanna have the same watch as him. haha, 5 dollard only whaaaat. can uh kay. haha. as soon as we got them, we wore it at once. trust me, i didnt latch it off my wrist up till now. its a symbol of 'us'. you get me? whenever i look at it, it reminds me of him. being known that he own the exact same watch is.. nice. haha. i dont know where is this getting me to. so try to understand, people. i aint good with language.

then, its time for home. buses were fully packed. but all the better isnt it. i have someone to fall on anytime my hold gets loose. heh. he sent me home as per usual, because thats what boyfriends do(:

tomorrow, he's leaving for field camp at tekong. uncontactable for 4 days. God, why is this even happening?): now im gonna miss him even more than i already am. readers, be prepared for upcoming 'emo' posts.

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