Wednesday, July 22, 2009

(*me & Baby were playing random spelling games.)

me: okay, so how to spell my name?
him: L.O.V.E
me: *smiling, pink cheeks.
i didnt expect that, really. he says it in a really spontaneous way. for that, i was even more pleased towards the unexpected response. this happens quite sometime ago. i was just reminiscing the moments we had together. see, i miss him so much. & he better read this!

yesterday, i met Mai over at Bishan to get some stuffs. Nard wasnt around cos her class ends late. so yeah, it was just the both of us. but we'll gonna make it a complete trio outing when Nard's back from Bandung. remember to buy me a tie-dye dress baby! we'll miss you! oh yes, back to track, when you pair up Mai & Fini, it'll equates endless telepathy (+ crazy news) and broadest imagination. we love to imagine, we're educate that way since young. haha! we were talking about future husbands and she went..

her: fini, kalau dah kahwin, cium suami kau kat pipi dulu, nanti diorang faham ape kau nak macam cinta fitri.

haha! i dont watch cinta fitri so she tries to act it out. funny, seriously. with her indonesian accent & all. haha, then came mine. i was telling her the other when i was out with the Boy.

me: *purposely 'langgar' his hand.
him: *didnt notice. did nothing.
me: *'langgar' someee moreeee.
him: kenape ni B? nak ape?
me: tak tak. hari tu i bace email then they say kalau girls langgar tangan lelaki, it means they wanna hold hands. *trying to explain very semangat-ly.
him: cakap aje laaa! *grabs my hand.
me: *smiling, pink cheeks.
haha. asyik same respond. then how? da memang like that whaaaaat kan. hahahaha.

okay sumpah bored giler. goodbye everyone!

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