Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sufi's back in camp. Im back to my usual routine, alone again. understand the term. but all in all, i had a great weekend with the Love. the much awaited Saturday turns out really well. really really well indeed.

i woke up at 7am to get the cam's batt charged, to iron out the dress of the day-.- to behave myself by helping mum with the household chores. get Sufi's present packed neatly. got everthing done by 11 and went off to meet him under my block. surprised him with the package right in front of his face. wished him advanced 11month(: and boy, was he surprised. haha! i guess he didnt expect that from me at all. i told you im bad at surprises & finally its a success tho it wasnt easy to get away with those white lies as to keep him out from having the tiniest glimpse of the surprise idea.

anyways it wasnt as big or valuable as what you might think, its just a Volcom shirt. however, i find it hard to find a perfect print for him cos im not good at choosing the right one too. i spent almost an hour at the men's section picking out and slotting in the shirts back again several times. i finally picked this,

& im glad he liked it & it fits him perfectly well. thank God. within minutes, he decided to change into the new shirt & settled on it for the rest of the day. you bet, i was elated looking at him admiring & appreciating my effort to surprise him with a lil something for our 11month. im satisfied :D

soon after we proceeded to beach road to get his army stuffs. & an impromptu idea of having a soup tulang lunch. :D finally we had it after so much planning all this while, yes? okay, im starting to love impromptu ideas :D

we had awesome chocolate milkshake to go along :D

the soup tulang was hell good i tell you. the Boy had those red sauce all over his mouth, i had to wipe it off all the time. he really eats like a BOY! so much for a 20 year old honey. i had to maintain my girly demureness, i munch slowly trying not to get the sauce all over, but i guess its a lil too slow that he proceeded to pick out the meat for me. haha. he even 'knock' the filling out just so i wouldnt have to mess up the whole table (cos my first attempt to knock it out eventually failed).

after which, we proceeded to Arab St. to check out fabrics for our raya outfits. we are trying to settle on blue (this part da macam pengantin carik baju same, please) well we'll just see... we then proceeded to iluma. its his first trip to that jumbo shopping mall. bought nothing, heh. and off to cityhall. its been quite awhile since we last step foot at marina square. we missed it, didnt we hon? we went for cap-hunting again but STILL cant find one & Baby wants to wear his mat-rep cap again which i've been telling him not to. oh yes, before i proceed. let me tell you.

we were at Haji Lane before heading to those fabrics shop. i tried to hide his trucker cap away from him, he wants it back many times but i ignored the whole time. he complained he dislike the look with his shaven head. but i preferred him without his cap, so eventually he got really mad, he pulled me aside & we talked things out. when he was talking, i looked down all the way with my hands fidgeting his camera. at one moment, his camera accidentally fell to the ground, i got so scared, i picked it up and hide my face in his chest. i was groaning that i'll never fidget with his camera again, and this Boy just merely laughed and went.. "hahaha. sayang? awwwh cute nye dier. i tak marah. da da tkpe. i tak marah okay." i got a shock of my life. i was really scared he'll get even angrier that i dropped his dear camera. terus not angry, okay best. haha!

when we stepped out of marina square to the wide staircase, we stopped upon looking at this..
along with 'mari kita' song. at that point of time, i wish i had tixs for the preview): nevermind. soon after we rushed over to esplanade, we stood in the center on the crowd, waiting for the fireworks. i love the first few fireworks, they've got hearts shape in it. hehhehhehhe :p it was a fast-not-so-interesting blasts of fireworks and we planned to go over his workplace, Indochine, over at clarke quay. we settled on our reserved seats. had mango sticky rice(!!!), mocktails -pussyfoot and v.pina colada. chilled. heart to heart talk. and that's about it. i was too tired to even open my eyes, and the Boy decides to take the cab home.
i slept, and in awhile the Boy dozed off too. he dont usually doze off before me okay. i find it really cute. its a goody rare feeling that i lay his head on my shoulder. something peaceful to end my day. i love it. i cant wait for Saturday. we'll do this again aye(:

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