Monday, July 20, 2009

its settled then. im gonna do something to my hair, prolly before Raya. i hope it works this time. i cant stand strands being so jiggy jaggy in all ways. it'll get too irritating and everytime, now and then, ill go tying up my hair into a boring ponytail. so yeah, i need to collect more moolah. saving is the only means.

Baby's back in camp. yes, he was supposed to be in camp for two weeks(confinement). but the Boy was sick. he's got high fever. im reallyreally glad i was able to spend the past two days with him. although it doesnt last very long for each meet-ups, the missing-feeling i had for him that i've beared strongly for the past many days, vanishes in a second. andddd, i get to see him in uniform! FINALLY! (no pictures cos i didnt bring my camera phone along). he looked good, real good. smart. big. tall-er. manly. i just love it. tho he kept on complaining he rather stays with long-uncut hair than his shaven head now. he thought i might not like the way he looked now or literally laugh my ass off the minute i see him but i dare say he looked perfectly normal. seriously. but if you may ask, i prefer him with this hair,

out of all the hair-grooming he had. oh yes, this was during those days in college east. unlike now, i used to look forward for school, for i know the Boy will pick me up daily, we'll 'purposely-bump' into each other, purposely walking outside his class(HAHAHA!), peeking behind walls to see him play soccer(HAHA!), after school adventures - we'll travel all over Singapore for meals and just spending time together. i miss those times. and to my ite mates, i've said this several times, i know you guys are tired of it, but i miss all of you too! i hope to join in the class with my 'sneaky' plan in august. 'birthday aku tau, buat kan lagu birthday lagi eh kawan-kawan!' hahaha.

before Baby left for camp, he gave me this.

awwh, nice. thank you, love. :D (oh, & that's his shaven head, i didnt know he dare post it in fb after complaining, tsk!)

and for my dearest girls. i miss you two. we havent been out and about for the past few weeks. all busy with our own personal things to deal with. but we need to meet up, crashed someone's house if possible. there's alot to catch up, especially when these two girls already has ALOT of crushes in school. *ehem ehem*. no worries, ill just stick to mine. *wink.

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