Saturday, June 12, 2010

Oopee's 21st.

reminder : this post is filled with too many broken english. forgive me. ill try to improve my language. thanks!

My Baby's 21st was a blast. slight glitches here and there, but we managed to make it through without Sufi having the slightest suspicions. it was hard, i have to admit. it was hard not to tell the truth. and along the way, heart break occurs more than expected. but that, i shall put aside. afterall everything went exceptionally well. Birthday Boy was sotong as hell. thats my favourite part, indeed.

lets start with many many days before the actual day. this 'mini gathering' was planned wayyy ahead. to be specific, 3 weeks earlier. due to recent problematic issues which i had to strongly dealt with, this whole gathering thing was pretty much 'uncertain'. but i just went ahead with it because i believe 'i can make things happen if i wanted to'. i decided to give it a shot, with lots of thinkable consequences intruding my mind. there's a high possibility that this event was a 'no go' due to my strict curfews, but im sure it doesnt kill to give it a try.

so yes, luck was on my side the day Afifah decides to ask how i was doing, on Facebook. fyi, she's Sufi's friend girlfriend. oh and a big hello to Jiaqi too if youre reading this. haha. so yes, that was really sweet of her to ask. by then, i knew i had wonderful opportunities popping up, and so i put my mind in it and went forward. was really hoping Ifah to agree and 'helped' along. sorry, but i know i cant do it all by myself if anyone asked me to. this part 'tak tau malu suruh orang tolong'. haha. but she was really nice, she agreed in a split second(!) she helped to plan, organize and gave valuable suggestions and comments that totally makes sense, all that i truly appreciate. she kept questioning how everything was going which increase the anxiety to get the plan succeeded.

which then i decided to plan along with my dear good friend, Suhaili to guide me along too. yes, she wasnt there on the actual day but she sure has done more than alot to help. she gave me the best advices and instructions to follow if things doesnt turns out right.

this morning, she came over as early as 830am to help me out with the 'Baking'. (ive gotta admit, something went wrong along the way, and i have to feed my guests some 'wet' biscuits. MAJOR FAILURE!). i woke up as early as 7am to get the ingredients ready (which in the end, we anyhow hantam bocai only, we didnt sift the flour nor did we blend the sugar, we believed 'alaaa go & die la, confirm okay one la nanti.) we were in a rush, so erm we didnt really put much of our hearts and souls in the baking. haha. So sorry Baby. the clock was ticking before we could even realize. which by the time the 'cake/biscuits' were done, i went to get myself ready. remember : we were chasing after time. i was mad disappointed that my hair was still wet and didnt volume up as planned, my cosmetics was all over the place(what pisses me the most : i didnt put on my newly bought mascara that i was so looking forward to boast off to Sufi). everything was a mess. last minute curfew changes, made it even worst. (PS : our meeting time was 1030am, i tried to wake Sufi up from 8am to 10am, but to no avail as usual. he sleeps macam log. i think log pon better than him ah. i think if i stick my finger up his nostrils pon tak sadar. confirm. i wonder how his bunk mates wake him up every morning. kudos to those who successfully wakes him up every single day, im sure you guys did it with your utmost effort.)

i was late to meet Ifah & Amirul to pass Sufi's present and the 'cakes/biscuits'. (apparently, i told Sufi i didnt get him anything this year which he truly believed, and i was only going out with him to the movies, karaoke and dinner.) Suhaili came along, which was a great help because i knew i would have melted halfway if she's werent with me. (then came this unexpected call from the birthday boy that he's out?!) i cant possibly tell him to meet at Compass Point cos he would get suspicious, so i was pretty caught in the middle, and had to tell him that id be late. by this time, he was pissed as hell. you have no idea how angry he was.

i decided to cab down few stops away to meet him, cos if i were to reach any later, im prepared to have my ears bleed(something that i assumed, but didnt happen(:). one thing he didnt know, Suhaili was with me. and as soon as i met him, she had to leave. Sufi suggested that we should have a meal together with her since she was there(and cos she helped ALOT), but it was too late, she already left. again, a couple blows came thrusting my already weak brain. i wasnt thinking, all i could say to Suhaili was just a mere thank you after all she has done. Sufi always came up with good points which hits me right in the head. sorry, i vehh slow.

we decided to give it away and continue with our initial plan ; to watch a movie. Killers by Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl was awesome. hilarious is the word. a must watch. erm lets just skip that. (point to note ; everything was planned, including watching this movie. he has no idea, at all. it was some sort like an 'impromptu idea'.)

right after, i rushed him for karaoke. WE WERE LATE AT THIS POINT, cos the other couple already booked a room at Grandlink and was just waiting for our arrival. we were an hour late, mind you. (Thanks Bus no 21, we used to love having a ride in you during the Simei times, but not now. you're the cause to our one hour wasted!). but in the bus, i pretend to act like i wasnt hurrying (God knows what i was thinking inside). Sufi and I listened to songs from his phone. this boy has a fetish for oldies. we were listening to some err Daddy cool song, then Siti Haida by JeffryDin(yes, JEFFRYDIN! i have no idea what is up with him.) more oldies from the Carefree - Si Baju Hijau (seriously, i know youre in the army, im sure your sargents would have drown with more than needed aspirations, so i dont think you need to listen to 'Si baju hijau, yang sedang bertugas...' Baby? even if you want to, then dont go complaining about having a hard time in the forest. you wont credit the song any justice. HAHA.) he then changed the genre to rock, which was a definite blah-.- but i perked up as soon as he switches to ... err some recognizable songs. thank God!

the moment we reached, Ifah sent me a couple of texts if they could light the candles on the 'cakes/biscuits' already. it was definitely difficult to reply, cos Sufi was very observant.

S : ahhh. siapa msg tu?
F : ah err tak. ni Suhaili tanye how was it going. yaa...
S : are you keeping anything from me?
F : no la, change song change song.

surprisingly, he didnt give it much thoughts and we continued listening and continuing our way to Grandlink. i reminded him earlier i wanted a bigger room, maybe for 6 pax. his reply..

S : takde takde. yang kecik-kecik aje sudah. nanti kene bayar mahal.
F : alaaa, sempit la! CANNOT. I SAY I WANT MEANS I WANT.

this part, my heart break you know. how can he say like that oneee. thank God he knows nothing about the plan, so i just let it pass without complaining further. we went from room to room. Ifah & Amirul was in room 26. we walked pass, but Sufi didnt realise them in the room. Potek ah this one. i saw them waited for their signal, and told Sufi to get in the room.

this part paling best. he was shocked. speechless. stood stiff. and dont-know-what-to-do. trust me, its never easy to get him surprised (cos maybe my previous plans arent efficient enough). he later explained to me that he doesnt know if Amirul & Ifah was there on purpose or coincidence. but with the 'cake/biscuits' in hand and the candles all light up, he was sure something was going on. i noticed, a couple of times he steal a sly look on me, cos he never would have thought i was getting along with his friends (i have never been out with his friends, you see). so yes, there he was, smiling sheepishly in front of us , forgotten to blow off the candles. haha. what a funny sight. i then, passed him his present which he never would have expected. A Celio mens jacket he has been eyeing for the longest time. Alhamdulillah he likes it. alot. :D


"ohhh, sejak bila you dah pandai berpakat dengan my friends ehhh."

it was sad cos Hadi & gf, Haida werent there to join us with the whole surprise thingy. but its alright, they came about in awhile. so they didnt miss that much,though.had fun singing out louddd, laughing at 'terkehel' voices. but time was really catching up. without us knowing, we had to end the session to continue with dinner at Hajjah Maimunah. great choice of food place to dine in. but unfortunately, i had to rush to get home on time. annoying indeed, but im left with no choice. i felt really bad to leave the other 2 couples first. but i managed to thank them before i left. as usual, Sufi sent me home.

it was a wonderful day. but first, let me thank my dear Sufi Hizrian for enduring and being patient with me having to rush you here and there. thank you for liking the present. thank you for relieving my worries that L is totally the right size for you. thank you for erm, paying for erm some of the things. above all, thank you so much for enjoying this day. iloveyou.

next up, thank you to Suhaili who willingly helped me along the way. the advices given were faithfully heeded. Alhamdulillah everything went well. thank you for waking up early(cos i know you dont usually does). thank you for dressing up even when you know youre only involved in less than a quarter of the day. thank you for your faith that this will end up well.

thank you to Afifah and Amirul for working well with me. sorry for the countless last minute changes. thank you for being exceedingly positive about this whole event. thank you for coming down to collect the presents and the tak menjadi 'cake'. thank you for going along with what ive wanted.

and thank you Hadi and Haida for coming over too. truly sorry i wasnt talking much. shy la. haha. but really thank you for making the event a whole lot chirpier. thank you for staying through out the event till the end.

till then. imma have a good long rest. sorry to bore you readers with my lengthy post.
thank you all, for reading.

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