Friday, May 07, 2010


first up, apologies for my sudden reappearance after missing for a long time. i have been doing nothing. im not having problems or any of that sort.

shopkeepers in my neighbourhood freaking need to make a trip to the upgrading classes to adopt customer service etiquette man. yes, im pissed. i mean cmon. they should go all out to attend to their customer's needs, not freaking shake your head and give me you're freaking blackest face. you gain profit from us, your freaking customers. so please, with all due respect. no, you dont earn my respect. just change freaking people. ugh. man, am i pissed.

sorry, i just need to let it out. i feel annoyed. maybe my period is coming or something. i havent done my rj. my brother just had to vaccuum the house right this moment(seriously, you could just use the broom, it will suffice.) and to Baby ; i think i need to apologise to you before hand. i'll be complaining about what just happened between me & that stupid black face uncle (and by 'black face' i dont mean he's dark or an indian, he's a chinese and he just gave me that freaking dumb frown look.) i know youre already calming me down on our chat page right now. but i dont think its sufficient. i still need to ramble more. i know you dont mind(:

the thought of the dish i had for dinner with Suhaili at Tong Seng awhile ago, enlightens my mind, in a way(: i had chicken feet noodle and o m g wasnt it the best foreign food ive ever eaten so far? despite Suhaili gag at the sight of me biting off the small bones from the feets, i continued eating like no one cares. it just tasted so incredibly good. i was proud of myself, cos today, i did not give up on my food halfway. hehe. Baby would be so proud. :D

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