Saturday, May 22, 2010


decent apologies to all for the lack of updates.

for those who still reads, i will try my best very best to update daily. but then again no promises, because blogging (for me) needs my highest interest whenever i do a posting. that so called 'interest' may not be with me all the time, i hope that explains.

anyway, my life has been fine, by far. adequately acceptable. not all that happy and chirpy me. but with the specks of happiness day by day, everything has been falling in place. i must say, all thanks to my Sufi for staying patient and strong despite all the 'shits' we've been through. if it wasnt for him pulling me up, i wouldnt be where i am right now. i respect him for his dauntless character. he will go all the way out for what he wants, but that attitude is kinda lacking in me(for God knows why). adopting positivity will be my next step. its funny how i could be giving positive advices to those who needs it but finds it difficult to apply those positivity to my own problems. this just concludes how much of a failure i can be. no wonder im too reliant on everyone else except myself. oh right, this whole paragraph has just measured up my worthless thoughts.

good gosh, what is wrong with me?

alright, let me put it all aside and enlighten you with more intriguing facts. there's something that has been thriving me to take up 'lessons' that could benefit myself & my family. except, i wont be bursting the balloon now, lets just keep the cat in the bag. when the time is right, and probably when i have started to take up these 'lessons', you might just get the whole idea. now is not the time. cos i am still wondering if it will work. but, pray hard.

apart from that, not trying to be desperate and all, im just inviting all to follow my tumblr and twitter pages. haha. tumblr does play a part in my daily activity. there's never a day in school have i been missing out on tumblr. pretty pictures and inspiring quotes helps alot. they make you think, so why not? why not make your life easier. hey, im actually following the right route. (: so to all, create an account if you dont have one. it'll make that few seconds of reblogging in your life worthwhile. trust me. and twitter, it'll help you destress in a way. well as for me, i do it all the time. whenever there's a confession to make, twitter comes first. hmm, that could actually be the reason to why this page was neglected. haha.

its settled then. i hope my suggestions works(:

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