Sunday, March 14, 2010


i was let off from work early today, cos.. my 'bestfriend' has decided to finally come & pay me a visit. how sweet. NOT. i am suffering right now. the cramps are unbearable. i rushed to the toilet 4 times earlier this morning. i hate it. the moodswings doesnt help either. poor Sufi, hissed by me a few times. sorry Love. he's going Tekong tmr = no phone, no contacting, NOTHING. plus, my parents are out of town. so that leaves me being, alone, all by myself. not really. my brother & my uncle will be around(there's no way my parents will ever leave me all alone at home, they called several times to check if im okay = i cannot leave the house.) howells):

my job & me? its a love hate affair. i allow myself to believe, for a fleeting moment, im doing it for the sake of trying to live in the working life. & now that i finally got myself involved. there's no way out for the next 2/3 weeks. so hang on little girl. what you'll gonna get in the end, is worth it(:

there is a correlation between the weather and my moods. im feeling cold. & im loving every inch of chill it gives me. i dislike, weary-dready humid weather. it pisses me off. so im appreciating every moment of it.

thank you Allah(:

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