Sunday, January 03, 2010

  • i am super duper sleepy.
  • just finish up a big chunk of chicken cutlet (all by myself!)
  • i can just throw the thoughts of forming the 'perfect' shape.
  • its entrepreneurship mod, bores me to no end.
  • all about financial accounting, plus submission of business plan. (SWOT is pretty easy, i didnt knowww-.-)
  • i hate numbers. especially the use of Excel.
  • lets just keep Excel for maths aye. be nice(:
  • even so, you would never find me doing Excel.
  • i groan at the name Excel.
  • approx 3 more hours to end.
  • i wanna go home straight & sleep.
  • YES SLEEP! oh God, the thought of it. i need sleep so bad.
  • why?
  • i woke up several times when the alarm blasted off at 4am, woke Sufi up but the alarm kept on snoozing which of course disturbs me.
  • what can make it worst with the dready cool weather?
  • i am very grouchy.
  • but ive packed my bag so well last night, now that does brightens me up a lil.
  • i find myself real good at organizing, i am still feeling proud. feel me?
  • what more can i ask?
  • first day of school, new bag, new watch, new outfit, well packed bag :D
  • BUT!
  • Gary knew where i bought my top from & he told the whole class. nbcb. haha.
  • oh! just remembered ; tmr's web & new media UT2.
  • ill study real hard when i get back.
  • i THINK i did pretty well for the past 3 UT mods. *whispers.
  • hehehe. dont action. nnt result hancur, malu sendiri. ada betol?
  • eh wait...
  • "Baby come back fast! dont go around shooting haiwan haiwan terbiar dekat err hutan tu? you at hutan meh now? no right? i dont know lah. but take care okay! jangan balik lambat!"
  • OKAY DAH! :D

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