Thursday, December 31, 2009

last moments of 2009.

sometimes we fall in an abyss, too deep. we found no hope getting up & make things right. but why the impulse allegations? should you alter the impossibilities to something thats worth putting your bullet sweats into. as cliche as it is, thats one of the many aspects on how life goes. amend things, get it right, & you'll find your future waiting at the perfect climax with a smile, which in turn will get you one. (:

-yours truly.

hey ya'll. guess what? ive got my presario backkkk! well, of course. that totally sums up this chirpy post aint it? :D and its no longer flickering, there's no more line on the underneath tab line. everything's just so clear. it feels like i just bought a new lappy. hehehe. HP even gave me free christmas gift. HAHA. its just a laptop cover. but its nice. shuddup. im up for free gifts, anyone? haha. im broke, noobs. hell broke. even Baby has to 'feed' me now. HAHA. i told you, if its food that i consume, he'll do anything for it. sacrificing his last cents, which sometimes makes it look wholly worthless. because.. i'm choosy/picky/fussy. all of them. im sure he wont agree with "or's".

i bought a sugar doughnut this morning, while travelling to Alexandra to collect my presario. but i didnt finish it. its just ONE doughnut. i could have just shove it in my throat. but Fini always has issues with 'food'. -.- i gave him a pathetic look & complained, if i were to eat more, i might throw up. i know, so dramatic yada yada. but i seriously hate it!

i know what you readers are thinking, - how can anyone stand me? exactly my point, i have absolutely no idea. but somehow, this whole silly thing does distinguish some goodyness in our relationship. he is there for me every single time. i repeat - each and every one of it. i know how impossible for me to get through him when he's out of town & all that sort, but we settled on one thing. if there's an argument, talk it out, & try to keep things smooth, in a day. we dont need any time more than 24 hours. thats how we got here. contents of the year 2009? i have no qualms on any days this year.

i think i wont ever be able to get used to having 'fun' in school. i dont know. i have no cliques. im used to being alone. i find it easy & fast. my classmates are a nice bunch though. we still have that constant laugh & jokes, every day. but.. i dont know alright. keep it simple, in school - i keep myself shut. i only went crazy during times like, 'yay, im meeting Baby tmr.' or 'i miss my girls, im gonna make plans'. well & thats just about it. & this is to my CE mates;

"hey guys, im sorry i wasnt able to attend Shaz's birthday bash. you know how things are, but i still miss every single one of you. i really do. i appreciate your efforts in slipping me in with all the get-togethers. oh & Happy Birthday Shazni Amjad. :D im still older than you(:"

& there's the girls. the beautiful ladies. my all time favourites. Mai Nard Suhaili & Natasyah(yes babe, i still remember you. & i miss you so much too). my pillars of strength. the ones who successfully shine out the rays from my butt. the ones who kept me giggling on the streets/school/anywhere(!) with em' awfully awkward jokes. those who will be there, even when distance does matters but never did get it in their way. cos, the bond in friendships never changes, alike the end which is inevitable.

did i just summarise my 2009 memoirs?

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