Sunday, December 13, 2009

i so...

i so cant be bothered with maths. neither has maths been good to me. so bleah. me & maths just dont go along. and dont even mention the word 'well', cos we have a an invisible center intermediary which makes us repel in extreme force. anyway, i just did a perfect messy bun to my hair. seriously, its an accomplishment cos, my 'buns' can never get messy, ever, even if i tried. i know, how ironic. but seriously. i have a fetish for lose messy buns, its sexy. and, as contradicting as it is, im not calling myself sexy either. haha. though it might sound like i just did. its on a 'jfyi' note(:

i so cant wait for Wednesday and Saturday. ill be out with the girls and my favourite boy, relatively. its been such a long time since i last met Mai & Nard for a major catch-up. thanks Nard for 'planning' the meet up(: everyone are individually busy. and i dislike the fact that we have been 'distancing'. i wonder if thats the right word, but its definitely not a good one. again, i hope this Wednesday, we'll retrieve and relive everything that we've lost(:

i think 'sleeptalking' is funny. i dont sleeptalk but i cant possibly say i never did cos just the other day Baby said i was. HAHAHA! i thought he was lying, but i can never be more right cos he came up with proves.

i woke up at 6 in the morning without receiving any calls from him the night before. i told him to call me whenever he's heading back. so, i got furious and called him which surprisingly, he answered! NOTE: HE ANSWERED MY CALL AT 6AM WHEN HE'S OUT OF CAMP, THAT IS SUPERRRRRRRRRR RARE. (oh & i just realise i used lots of 'rare' in a few of my previous posts-.-) so anyways, the conversation went like this...

me: why didnt you call me last night? you promised.
him: i did and you answered.
me: huh? err no. i was asleep the whole time.
him: haha. you did. go check yr call list.
me: oh err yeah, what did i say on the phone?!
him: you went "okay.... okay.... bye". i havent even said bye. i was still talking.

i seriously find it super funny because, again, I RARELY SLEEPTALKED. no one ever told me i did. and at the same time, i never would know if i did, but i know i didnt! maybe i was too tired. i sleeptalking might be funny, but Sufi's sleeptaking is hell funnier! SUMPAH. hahahaha!

me: so are we going out this saturday?
him: yeah we are.
me: okay..


him: eh kenape you ade kat situ?
me: huh??
him: err *giggle. nothing.

i knew he was sleepy, but i insisted chatting otp longer. haha! later, he told me he was sleeptalking/dreaming. i dont know. he said, he 'saw' me above his bunk cupboard. HAHAHAHAHA! he sleeptalked more than me. and right after he did, he wouldll usually giggle, got really embarrased and he refuse to talk. i would make it worst, by teasing him endlessly. oh what a nice girlfriend i am... NOT!

and and, i think my photography skills is AWESOMEEEEE! hahaha. let me show you a few of my masterpieces.


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