Saturday, November 28, 2009

me being me, him being him, us being us.

apologies for the lack of updates, everyone.

random things i will work hard for;
  • grow tall-er. (based on my aspiration....)
  • have slimmer arms & thighs.
  • do magical adjustments to my hair.
  • score remarkable grades for the next two UTs. (promised mum)
  • buy a polaroid camera/canon powershot. (i heard powershot has almost the same functions as DSLR, hmm...)
  • get my room sparkle clean.
  • sentosa beach & sheesha next week w Baby(:
  • shop. i need more pretty clothes. im having wardrobe malfunction every now & then.
  • spend more time with Baby. & Girlfriends(:

anyway, this is a belated updated for last week. Baby and I had our usual alternate saturdays dates. call it kental, well i just have to agree. well thats just a policy for me to obediently abide. sometimes, i wish im older. & Baby will go, "we will be in time to come(: patience pays, remember?(:" & he makes it all worth waiting.

our initial well-planned rollerblading session over @ Pasir Ris Beach followed by an afternoon movie date. yes, we planned to have an afternoon movie showtime cos we wanted to catch paranormal activity. night time would be inappropriate, cos im very kental like that. but Fini being Fini, as fickle minded as she is, she changed the whole plan to having a proper day out in Town. heh. Baby was a minute furious cos we've planned the list out the whole week but had to change it to follow my suit. how irony. im sorry Love.

so straight on with our plan. ive been meaning to step foot in Ion Orchard, but us being us, we'll always sidetrack. first up; late lunch. well yet again. we planned to have lunch at places we've never been to before, but ended up @ Puncak again cos we cant hold on to our growling tummies any longer. heehee. i ordered Sweet & Sour Fish w Nasi Ayam whilst Baby had Claypot Rice(suggested by me, hehheh.)

soon after, i dragged Baby to help me with my search for formal clothing. i had to admit it was a fabulous find, with really 'down to earth' prices. call me sengket, i dont really mind. comfort is all that matters(: Baby didnt mind waiting for me to change & all, he was already helpful enough, choosing for the right ones. (especially those that's not showing too much or too revealing. haaa.) i bought the whole outfit (including a pair of cute beady complete with a black ribbon which is the most comfortable footwear among all) @ at reasonable $50. hehe!

then i went on a crazy shoes spree. MONDO! oh hell yes. Baby admitted feeling uneasy looking at me grabbing shoes, one after another for fitting. yes, im crazy for shoes! i bought two pairs. a pair of platform and gold studded pumps. hehe SUKE! :D

Baby dragged me out of FEP, & we walked over to Cine to get donuts. his crazy cravings for oreo donuts especially. & i gagged at his cutesy smile when he placed his sight on them. we bought half a dozen & sneakily chose a seat in Gloria Jeans. err no? we bought cookies & cream to go along. i have to emphasize it was my treat! :D yes, im proud of it. treating him is a rarity, cos its usually a wholly reverse. we sat around, snap pretty pictures(which i fell in love almost instantly), Wifi-ed to book for movie seats. then we travelled back to AMK Hub in a cab to catch PA. we were given discounts for the tickets cos the guy who served us is a schoolmate of mine. (we're in opposite classes.)

i need to confess - i hate Paranormal Activity. i regret watching it. because up till now, which is already a week later from last week, i've had mum to sleep with me every night. i tried sleeping alone back again & hogging otp with Baby the whole night like usual but to no avail. those eery images, esp the last part, kept haunting me. call me scaredy cat, well yes i freaked out. i had Baby's arm all to myself throughout the whole show. he covered my eyes during the scariest scenes, he just knew when to. But it was also an easy observance that Baby was terrified too. haha!

then we rushed over to Bishan J8 to get my high-waisted skirt(+ a sleazy top...not!). Baby bought me the top, hehe. Thank You <3!>

Picture Of The Day.

rest of the pictures @ multiply.

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