Tuesday, November 17, 2009

anonymous readers.

trust me, its nice to know that i have anonymous readers. its interesting like that. somehow, they encourage me to blog more. so yeah. i hope they liked what i blogged by the way(:

Sufi's stucked in the lecture room, in camp. his cute whiny msgs got me all smiling down here. anyway, he's been 'appointed' the machine gunner. err yeah, i have no idea how to explain what exactly he has to do as the MC. so err yeah. :/ i heard Rizal is one too? should i say congrats to you two? haha. i seriously dont know. wait, can you see the significant similarity between this two? haha yes! both are tall and big. well, what are SM(sports management) graduates for right? haha.

anyways, since i have lots of spare time right now, let me update really belated outings with Sufi. (sorry, i think its funny calling him Ian in written, so lets stick with 'Sufi'/Baby yeah?)

last week, i cant remember the exact date/day. sorry! i wrote too many apologies, dont you think? Baby and I went to town. after so long. yes, we've been 'out of town' lately. cos we preferred to go to places we've never been to. i told you, didnt i?

we went allllll theeee waaaaayyy to Jurong first to get Baby's army stuffs. i knowww, whenever he's out, he has to get his army stuffs. he always lack things for the army. we went to the Chevrons. the place was somewhat like Safra in my opinion, seriously. now i know where baby got me the err army fbt shorts from. yes, ive been wearing guys' shorts. is comfortable the right word? right after, his friend came along, with his gf. everyone does seem to bring along their gfs. both Baby & his friend bought their needed items, soon Baby's friend who's driving sent us back to Jurong East mrt. heee, thanks!

we were clueless to which train we really need to board. we were practically running to & fro choosing the right train which will bring us to RIGHT route. both of us were very contradicting. i kept telling him the train on platform A is the right one, and he said otherwise. when i left him to decide the route(cos i know i can depend on him for this, anytime), the RIGHT train left. so 5mins of our precious time got wasted, till the next one arrives. tsk!

we spent 40mins in the train, talking, laughing.. well, that would be me of course. cos i talk alot whenever im with him.

him: *smile.
me: why you never talk? am i talking too much? i mean, i have to. its a way i express my misses to you.
him: awwwwhh.. okayyyyy *wide smile.

sometimes, when i ask questions, i will answer them myself. lebih baik tk payah tanye kan-.- but he doesnt mind, so yeah(: so we alighted at Orchard, & i suggested we go for our late lunch first! so we went to Puncak, where i had my long time food craving - honeydew chicken noodle(extra gravy!) and baby's - fried rice with salted fish. delish.

soon, we walked around Far East in search for my belt(which i bought in less than 5mins). then we went to Taka basement to buy donuts. and and and, i swear i wont buy donuts from this shop again because, in simple words - it is so not nice. not my type one. the dough is very, err... oh God, how do i explain this. i seriously have no idea to explain it, but one thing for sure, i wont buy them again. Baby wasnt happy because, i bought quite a few(which i initially wanted to pay, but he paid them before i could fork out my money) & they went to waste. no he's not complaining that ive wasted his money or whatsoever, he never does. he was just err 'pissed' cos im always wasting my food. but i really wanted to vomit! i swear he's seen the look on my face when i force myself to finish up at least A donut. it was that badddd.

so Baby bought me cheese hotdogs, to err replenish the awful donut which i just stuff myself with. surprisingly, i can finish it within minutes. hehe. cerewet ah this one. so we sat along the steps outside Taka, people-watch, bump into his ex-workmate who asked if he's changed girlfriend cos she said i look different? err yeah.

then, we went over to Orchard Central to meet his old friend and his gf. as soon as we reach OC, we actually bump into them at the Apple store. what a coincidence. i dont talk to people, cos i shy. haha! so i just smiled at his friends. they were nice(: all his friends are. he got lots of friends by the way. sini stop, sana stop. everywhere also stop cos always got his friend one.

did you know OC has a rooftop? haha. sorry. we vehh slow one ahh. we went to the rooftop and walked around. nothing much actually. but i think OC's rooftop is gonna be the new Esplanade's rooftop. you get me? ahhh yes. as usual took pictures, like tourists.

finally, off we went to Plaza Sing. i LOVE walking to Plaza Sing. i dont know. its just romantic. haha! nvm. shouldnt elaborate further. no no wait, its just fun, walking hand in hand you know. no we didnt walk. WE MARCHED. i swear. he taught me how to march. & i followed, & i realised i know how to, & im vehh happy. haha!

soon after we reach, we went to Fila store & got myself a bag. and seaweeds from Daiso. SEAWEEDS! :D 2dollars only, big pack somemore, damn nice!

lastly, its time for home. we took the bus. but before that,a funny incident happen. we were pathetically broke. like really. we have no cents left, even. so we prayed so hard our ez-link cards will work. haha! thank God it did, but that could only last us till amk bus interchange. so we had to walk home. hehe!

ATTENTION : sorry, blogger is not allowing me to upload my pictures here. so ill upload it in my multiply. sorry for the inconvenience. click on the link, on the right box alright?

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