Wednesday, October 21, 2009

informal speech.

i think i is very clever. i am reading ghost stories at 'misteri jam 12' blog and i cant stop myself from scrolling down the page to read more. i is so very well know myself that i wont be able to sleep at night everytime i read or heard of any scary stories from anyone. but somehow, it got me addicted to continue on reading. i didnt even realise my friend was calling for me for my team presentation(!) thats how addictive it is. then when night comes, my mind would be fill with lots & lots & lots of eery imaginations AND i will keep glancing at my window. i used to look out my window almost every night, i mean late night. i have stopped doing it since Sufi adviced me not to do so. he will ask me to shut my windows but i hindered. heh.

SOMETIMES. sometimes, ill hear cries at night, and usually if your hair stands, that cry which you thought was just yr imagination is actually real. just the other day i felt a heavy load over me, i cant move my limbs, i cant breathe, i cant move, i cant shout.. but thing is no one was around. i could only chant prayers in my heart. & everytime i feel like giving up, these 'thing' will leave. hmm actually, not really. it'll 'attack' me countless times till i had to get my mum to sleep with me. i think, my parents are used to me knocking on their door at night cos whenever i ask mum to sleep w me, both my parents will ask about something called the err "sa'ab-sa'ab"(?). they knew i always err got it? err yeah. i hate it when 'it' stops me from opening my eyes, cos when i tried to force it open, my eyes will roll and leaving me with the biggest headache the next day.

so lesson learnt everyone, wash your legs or better, go & bath! before going to sleep okay? kalau tak, kene kacau nanti siape yang takut? diri sendiri jugakkk kan. im gonna continue reading. till then.


okay right. i just read about the same story that has always happened to me on mj12 blog. its fucking scary. those who have experienced it said that, they can see the 'thing' thats on top of them. & they say, those 'things' has a fucking scary figure. the way they explained how 'those' things pressed on their body was exactly the same as mine. BUT the only thing is, i can see nothing, because 'they' would force my eyes closed. okay, now im scared. whaaaaafuck!

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