Friday, September 18, 2009

this post is specially dedicated for my dearest boyfriend, Sufi Hizrian.

i know ive been repeating this for the countless time, but i just want you to know that i really really miss the old times. our glorious joyful days, because we get to meet almost every single day, for the fact that we were schooling in the same school and there's always a chance for us to meet on weekends even if it lasted for less than an hour. unlike now, things have change. you're serving the nation, only home on the weekends, whereas im home all day during the holidays or out on weekdays for school.

above all, i really miss the days when we first started going out on dates. actually, it werent really dates, was it Love? tho we perfectly knew our classes start on different timings, we were more than glad to go out early every morning for school just so we can spend part of our day in the bus, creating really lame jokes, which i always knew that was what im best at, having breakfast or takeaways from the MacDonalds, pointing out to friends we know while waiting for bus no. 31. and when we finally reached school, we'll take a pit stop at cafe 1 for yong tau foo, or forum OR level 3 study seats just to spend even more time just snapping crazy pictures or planning where we'll be heading after school.

  • when it's time for lessons, you'll never fail to send me right to class before heading for yours.
  • when you're on the field playing soccer, i would peek out from the pillars to watch you play.
  • when it's time for lunch, its either you or me would skip a lesson to have lunch together.
  • when there's performances at forum, we would try our best to skip a lesson, again.
  • when i needed to munch on snacks with my friends in class, i would come up with an excuse for the toilet, & run down the stairs searching wherever you may be to buy em' with you and having you to send me to class again.
  • when you're in class, i purposely walked outside, hoping you'd notice & run out for me. and, you did(:

i loved it most when we strolled to every part of the school together. its also for the fact that you looked extremely smart and hot in sports and management uniform. hehehe. :D

right after we're done with school, no matter what the time shows, we'll still proceed with what we'd planned earlier, or just randomly dropped ourselves just anywhere. & just so everyone knows, we LOVE exploring places we've never been. its fun fun fun. we'd check out the maps, directories on board, just anything that can get us to our destination.

we used to drop by Geylang all the time, i mean during the festives-.- like yes. me like! we'll gather food food & more food to bring home or to sit at our legendary playground which always brings back fresh memories. oh, Geylang was also the first time where you hold my hand while crossing the busy street. haha mentel! but throughout, i was definitely blushing, we didnt let go of it right after, yes Baby? heee.

the, our simei days came to an end. for you've graduated & i left halfway for poly, life definitely changed. you worked almost daily, at night, & im schooling, in the day. so it kinda crashes the time we're left with for every single day, you sleep in the day & i, the opposite. but you still managed to tryna wake up & send me to school every morning right after you're done with work. & never failed to pick me up from school. it was average, cos it wasnt the same when we were in simei.

and now, literally it got worst because you're always in camp & im unable to go out most of the time even if it was my holidays): i miss you, & the happy US.

no matter what, we promised that we'll get it back right, hon? we'll keep to that. we will.

"tough times dont last forever" - Him.

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