Monday, August 10, 2009

9th aug, wasnt really a perfect outing with Sufi, i must admit. we kinda had a rough time throughout the whole evening, cept' the karaoke session and those flaming fireworks. i regret not behaving myself really well. i hope to make up for it this weekend, but due to his commitment to the army, we prolly wont be able to meet for 3 weeks. thats freakin' long. we've never been through a 'never-meet-for-more-than-a-week' kinda thing. so i wonder how's life's gonna be): but, i've keep reminding myself and Baby to keep our chins up, everything's gonna pass by so fast, it'll be real soon till we finally meet. endurance & patience pays.

(i just received a call from him, he MIGHT be booking out this Friday (: God please.)

see how much i miss him? its just two days after ):

and as usual, the boy left me his weekly messages too (:

i went out with the girls too! BUT they've yet to send me the pictures, so i have no uploads here. will upload it soon peeps. faster lehhh. we watched 'the haunting in connecticut', & bloody hell, was that show a blast? actually the girls make it all the more interesting, why? i still cant believe humai actually shrieked/screamed out loud at one of the shocking scenes & nard filled her words with full of 'eh fuck ah this movie' throughout the gory scenes. read: nard talked as if she's on movie marathons at home, so what im saying here is.. she talked really loud. i have to shhh her down all the time.

soon after we had pastamania, both girls choice-_- i dont really fancy pastas, but im glad i bought beef lasagne. i had my fill & satisfied. im not sure about the girls, nard struggled with loading cheese on her pasta & mai was practically picking on her food. haha. aside the unfulfilling food, we had a great catch up on what's happening - the crushes stories. haha. i wished im still in the 'crushing' process with Sufi.

later, i met Sufi for awhile & he accompanied us around ion orchard and far east, where i bought my best buy - a stonewash blazer from tracyeinny. :D Baby bought the girls fried mars bars in a way to say thanks for letting him fit in for a short while. awwwh, how sweet you Boy. which then he left us to meet his friend, and us girls proceeded to Starbucks. i cant stay long for i need to be home fast. so greeted the girls goodbye and im off. thanks for the wonderful day girls. im looking forward for our next outing.. hehehehehe.. its a special day... hehehe... i cant wait! :D

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