Thursday, June 11, 2009

this took me forever to update-_-

alrighty. finally, for those who wants to know what's the day ive been mentioning about in a few of my previous posts, its actually... sufi's 20th birthday! :D

so here you go, for you readers, an update.

before that, let me first share with you a few things i had to go through while preparing for the boy's mini birthday celebration.
  • i got soooo tight with money, but i manage to get the things i want, done(:
  • presents. you may not wanna know how contemplative and fickle-minded i was for the past few days. i think my girls, mum & the sales-girls got silently pissed off by me. heh.
  • planning for surprises. oh gosh, never talk about it. im bad, really very bad at this.

first up, 100609.

i woke up an hour late from the initial time which was at 6am. so i was practically rushing out of bed, went to the kitchen and started mesuring the cupcakes' ingredients. yes, should i mention it again? I BAKED CUPCAKES FOR HIS BIRTHDAY. and im actually, i mean i have to admit, i mean if i dont, you know... alright alright, im actually pretty good at it. heeheehee. but here's a problem. when i was all done with measuring & all, little did i know that the oven was faulty. i switched it on to get it preheated, and TWICE, this bloody oven got my whole house electricity source 'dripped', or cut off-_- mum told me that i have no choice but to give it a pass. but no! being the stubborn-self that has never ever decomposed itself in me, i started to find ways to get it done anyway. & it came up to me that my neighbour confections traditional kueh's, im sure she have oven, dont she? so with no hesitant and unshamimgly, i called her up & asked if i could use her oven, she agreed with open hands(i suppose). heh. a few mins later with big plastic bags on both hands, i went over to her house just across the carpark in front of my block, & mind you, the carpark here is big, imagine the distance. but i dont mind, really. to cut things short, at the end of the whole baking thing, i was quite sure the cupcakes turns out pretty well, and more than i expected, for there's like 80 over mini cupcakes?! i just needed a few, so the rest of it was given orderly my neighbour and mum. oh yes, i did the icing at home, & well it turns out like this,

piping the icing was fun. i had fun BAKING! i shall do this again sometime:D oh alright, back to track. right after im done with the icing & got everything packed in a box, i rushed a lil bit more for our lunch-pack; cheesy sausage pasta & creamy chicken soup (which actually didnt turn out like one cos its too watery :/!), got everything done within precious 20 mins & off to get myself ready. i bought a pretty-flowery-maxi-dress just for his birthday, hee(: somehow, i still have to admit that its not an appropriate outfit since we're going to the zoo. how much i regret it. well yes, humai actually laughed hysterically when she knew i went to the zoo wearing that dress! thanks babe-_-

initial plan was to have a picnic over at the botanical gardens, but since we have no idea of any public transport that can get us there, the boy suggested going to the zoo. sounds good so we proceeded w/o any hesitations. in the bus, we were entertained by this foreign-small-eyed-fat-boy, he's damn cute, i tell you! we cant stop laughing at his cute antics, seriously! it didnt take that much time to reach our destination, we bought the tixs & off we went in to find a perfect spot for our picnic. but before we even get there, this boy was so excited when he first saw the err.. big gigantic alligator?!

so i had to drag him away & finally settle down over at the picnic area. first, had our lunch, thennnnnn i opened the box of cupcakes,
sang him a birthday song-_- haha! & he blew the candles, then he ate the pasta ignoring me-.-

when he's done, i gave him his present. a levi's watch. heeheehee.

sufi so shyyyyyyy. awwwh. im glad you like it, & please stop asking me for the price!

took a few more pictures...

and off we went for a tourist-like-trip in the SINGAPORE zoo. we were so excited, we never missed out any animals, really! & the ones i fell in love most would be the... BABOONS! they were the cutest! happy family, i must say. the oldest of them all actually looked at sufi with its head tilted to one side, & this boy did the exact same thing too-_-

and there's many others, like these fewwwww....

and what fascinates us the most would be the goats! sorry we didnt capture pictures of them cos we were just too stunned at how they sounded. they really sounded like real humans! i swear!
oh nvm about it. we left the zoo after almost 4 hours roaming around, seizing each and every oppurtunity to catch a view of all the animals, we left the place for dinner over at seoul garden, marina square. finally its my treat! :D we also had a mouthful of almost everything, satisfied & full.

ended the day with Baby sending me home & countless of 'thank yous' from him(:


youve finally turned big busty two and O. whats with your height & that big size of yours, i wouldnt wanna mention about how you should behave, cos you already behave maturely like you're suppose to since the first time i met you, continue with that Baby. thanks for being there with me all this while love. i appreciate it all, & this mini celebration is just a lil something to show what i had for you all this time. im glad you like it(: & of course, i love you.

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