Tuesday, August 17, 2010



So let me see. its hard to admit, but im doing it anyways, so since the start of the holidays, ive been a miserable impoverish girl cos mum's not granting me any allowance until school starts which is a major 'UGH'. wait! i think i need to acknowledge everyone the presence/existence of Baking Life in my life now. haha, yeah thanks to my classmates who 'psycho-ed' me to start a virtual bakery. im so gonna miss you guys, E54N. havent had such a great bond for a semester, ever! ): ohh, my moment of agony.

Oh yes, so back to my pathetic school break. ive been religiously devoting my time in the mosque. repeat after me ; 'wvaah wvaah wvaah'. YES! helping out my neighbour and taking the time off to 'buat amalan yang baik di bulan yang mulia ini'. cheywaaah. im doing good, earning some money at the same time. SO. ITS. GOOD. AND. I. SHALL. NOT. COMPLAIN. AS. IF. IM. UNEMPLOYED.

On a lighter note, i can feel my tummy getting flatter! i dont know if its just me or IT IS ME?! but i do know, fasting and fatigue results to a harmonious sync. why? becos when youre feeling tired to wake up for breakfast, you'll fill your tummy with the lightest food you could reach just to get back to sleep, then when youre awake, you have no choice but to NOT eat cos youre fasting. either way round, you'll feel the guilt if you break the rule. (: so, my aim for this joyous month is to lose as much fats as possible. i hope it'll work.

In the mean time, im waiting for Sufi's call. such a pity. they had to 'run' after terawih. i dont really understand the term 'run' in their context but i hope he'll do well. like the Koreans qoute "fighting!", i shall slip in a good one and here goes, "FIGHTING, BABY!" or "BABY, FIGHTING!". i have no idea which is right. and i just sounded like a noob but whatever. HEHE!

and here's one for You.

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