Wednesday, July 14, 2010


tonight will be all about studying. but no guarantees cos i might just end up sleeping. seriously, where's my sense of urgency? priority has switched places with sleeping. im never sleep-deprived. never will. cos i can just sleep anytime. which reminds me of ..
extracted from Friendster. brings back wonderful memories. yes, icansleep anywhere anytime only IF im extremely sleepy. before, when Sufi & I first started 'dating', we love to take bus rides but i will end up sleeping. how boring can i get seriously? but really, i would. and he as usual, got a lil too generous with the 'shoulder sharing' for my sleep comfort. how nice ^^

but tonight, ive gotta try to sleep less. at least less-er. mum always warned me to not think of sleep all the time(cos i just do). Sufi calls me lazy(cos i will sleep after im done eating). Mai & Nard calls me the 'early sleeper'(cos i sleep before 12am and they dont). but what can i do? im born this way! okay, thats a lie. haha. i just like sleeping, i admit!

but first RJ.

question : If you are a sports fan of a particular sports team, relate how important the media is to you in terms of updating you about news of the team and the latest scores. If you are NOT a sports fan, relate if you feel that media plays an important role in delivering information today, or is it really just to sell "particular" messages that is done to evoke a reaction (i.e. purchasing) from you?


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