Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hello, again.

I miss blogging. it took me so long to update, my apologies. i have nothing to blog about actually, really. if you're wondering, Sufi and I are doing extremely great. we turned 23rd month yesterday. wow we've made this far. everything just falls into place. hopefully the days to come will be as good.

Im listening to Paramore, at the moment. Airplanes to be specific, brilliant song. reminds me of Shape Run which was held last Saturday night and ends only on Sunday afternoon. a good experience indeed, minus the fact that im the only sore loser trying really hard to stay up the whole night. there's one more coming up this weekend. yes, again. cant wait! and something has been planned out, highest possibility it'll work out(still hoping).

Im having butterflies in my stomach, right this second and i have no idea why. the sugar rush feeling? ive not chewed one in 3 days! nevermind, lets just pass that.

so everyone knows how much i love Tumblr right. the best option to OPT for if you have nothing better to do. there's a number of pictures which could REALLY brighten up my day. so yes, you guessed it, thats what i do in times of boredom-help. what else .. let me see. i bloghop. gives me the inspirations. i have a few links in my list whereby i browse through them almost everyday. you see, i have nothing better to do besides struggling to finish up my slides, which come to think of, they are not as difficult like anyone could ever imagine doing for class assignment. sorry, im contradicting.

But i guess one thing that will definitely spoil my day is having to mind the number of texts i sent out. because apparently, Starhub fails to see the fun size student im in and so i am only eligible to 500 sms per month, which will never be enough for me(at least). so there you go, ill be stuck with this plan for about 2 more years. dammit.

I have with me 2 books, im done with Dead Is The New Black, and the other is well .. a malay novel, but its too long winded, i want stories that will get me straight to the point, pretty dislike suspense. but i love surprises. CONTRADICTING AGAIN.

Before things get a tad too random and starts to confuse you readers, i better take my leave. i do appreciate it if you spend a lil more of your time to watch this. you'll end by leaving my blog with a smile.

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