Saturday, June 19, 2010


you know what, it annoys me that i didnt sign up for NDP this year. why? because my boyfriend's there(!), i can begin experiencing event management and I COULD FREAKING COLLECT MY CE POINTS THAT EASY! omg! what is wrong with me?! it aches me whenever i see a few of my friend's FB updates on NDP rehearsal. i missed out alot, this time. AND it sucks because the deadline was too soon and they are not recruiting anymore. dammit!

so as you can see, im stuck at home. trying to be productive on a saturday (which is pretty easy) by baking cupcakes(in cooporate for Father's Day and Mum's-just-got-home-after-work-day). nyeaha! i did. and it was nicely done. in fact, it was perfect! nyeaha! and guess what? i did it all by myself without mum's help! nyeaha! the cupcakes tasted so good, i wish i could switch it with the ones Sufi and friends had on his birthday. bahaha! i would be glad to send some to my friends especially, Suhaili, Humai, and Nard. but im afraid its getting late. maybe next time aye ladies. Jiaqi, i wouldnt mind sending some to you too(: and shaq (why didnt you ask me along for NDP ):)

oh yes! PICTURES!

so what do ya think?

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