Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Sufi is out there somewhere in the almost thick 'forest' shooting his 'enemies', and at the same time, overlooking Woodlands region. he is able to see RP from far but of course not the tiny miniatures in it. oh what luck. and the thought that im unable to see-through the forest IF i were to board 161, sucks even more. he is so near, yet so far. ):

Nard is in school i assume. received a text from here this morning about ____. but girl, i hope my advice were being heed upon. ive went through the same 'heartbreaking' situation. youll feel uneasy and such. but do not mislead yourself. have faith. have trust. thats all you need. put your awry perspectives and doubts aside. everything will be just fine. im sure.

Humai. youre one unpredictable woman. a closed book, alike Nard. haha. im still suspicious about ____. spill the beans, babe. nothing to hide(:

im about to start a debate with Team 1 now. we're the opposition. totally hopeless. i aint good with words(which i dont think Sufi will agree :P) i hope the notes taken down do me justice. i mean, please. do me good. dont add up to the misery of distancing with Sufi and my girls.





FUCK. no i didnt debate. whaaaaaafuck!

Currently, reading Tavi's blog to fill up time. she has interesting fashion values, and i have yet bring forth an interest in vintage and couture. im still leaping. still striving towards the climax.

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