Monday, November 02, 2009

stoked. [edited/]

lets make this a brief one.
  • today was all about FUN FUN FUN & more FUN! :D
  • met Baby at 730am. off to woodlands...
  • bugis. bugis junction. seoul garden. splendid spread(:
  • spotted transexuals outside Topman. do they shop at Topman? and i must say, they own bigger boobs than i do. of course diorg punye fake laaa. tsk!
  • all time favourite garlic chicken, seafood(basically, just prawns for me), usual spaghetti, cept this time w tomato sauce, chicken bolognaisse unavailable, some snacks . Baby had almost every thing. he eats a lot, & i thank God for that.
  • its a waste to bring me to seoul garden because, 1) im very picky. 2) i only eat food that im familiar with. 3) im not a good taste-r. 4) i go for one round of serving only-.-
  • its really nice to have someone who cares more about you, than themselves. Baby, picked up all the cooked food for me, while i lay & spread them out neatly. im afraid of the sparks(!) i freaked out when oil spill drops on my hand. (so cannot kahwin kay like this-.-)
  • my very own creation, brownie with ice cream. i know i know. but non-brilliant people wont think of something like that. haha KIDDING. even baby questions me about my creation(:
  • i asked him, "see, clever not?" , he answered, "genius. (:".
  • i am feeling very mother-mother + wife-wife + gf gf. so i cooked maggi tom yam for Baby. basically, just adding maggi mee into our soup of the day. but thing is, I SERVED IT ON HIS PLATE ITSELF. awwh. i dont usually do that you know, but i think im gonna make it a start. it feels so damn nice. especially when he goes. "awwh, thank you dear" every single time. i feel so appreciated(:
  • [edited/] Baby asked if i wna play arcade, specifically DAYTONA. definitely reminisced our first date playing that car racing game just to kill time. hehe. BUT! i lost him by mere ONE SECOND! ONE! he took over me at the very last second, how was that even possible?!
  • so Fini was very upset. she showed a sad(pathetic?) face all along. her almost possible glory to boast to Sufi, became impossible, cos it vanished in just 1 second. she frowned. Sufi cheered her up by playing the 'basketball game' together. he went "awwh, thats my girl" whenever she scored goals. and she's all chirpy again. :D [edited/]
  • strolled around a lil more, took 133 loop-bus.
  • Baby slept on my shoulder thruout the journey. this is a rarity. because, he's too tall and usually, he can never be able reach my low shoulders. but he tried to make himself comfortable, & was able to lay his head comfortably. its a nice feeling, looking at him sleeping in serenity right before me(:
  • but it wasnt really that easy to wake him up :P.
  • sent me home as per usual(:
  • he got home, & we webcammed for a lil while, before he gets ready to leave for camp.
  • our chat page always ends with " ): " (sad faces).

so he's back in camp. more "):". and i am suppose to be revising. thank God, ive literally studied for cognitive mod tmr. so itll just be mere - revising. and prolly, s-t-u-d-y TWO 6P for marketing mod. both has over 20 slides-.- tell me about it.

all in all, what a lovely day it is. all the better, with the chilly weather.

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