Sunday, September 27, 2009


i am this happy. :D

i freaking pass my ut3. & that's like freaking awesome, cos i knew i screwed maths like freaking badly, but i managed to pass all 5 dumb modules eventually.

i practically flipped the moment i saw my 'results'. flipped because, i saw multiple X's right next to what seems like 'UT4'. & i was wondering if i did really bad the last time, for all modules, i mean. not to say that i can handle enterprise module perfectly well. i thought, if i would crawled up to mum & say, "mom, i failed all my exam", she would be hell disappointed & such, but of course i aint want that to be real.

and so, i checked again, i mean literally checked each & every a-l-p-h-a-b-e-t-s, i realised i totally missed out the freaking term 'UT4'. i have yet to sit for UT4, goddamit. how can i be such a fool. it was a big relief tho. so much for freaking out. results was not even out yet.

then, my brother just got out of bed to check his results after receiving a text. i stood there aimlessly, peeking. he passed. my mind went "oh fuck, i need to do better". & then, there was a respond which goes, "you're freaking gonna fail, bitch". & the mind-arguing tale goes on.. which made me feel defeated, much.

the next day, i woke up exceptionally early. finish up a few chores, before mum blast her microphonic-voice. she once admitted, "sorry la, dulu i tertelan microphone." come to think of it, i think i followed mum genetically loud voice, and she picked up the way i converse some times. haha.

right, so soon after i got everything done, i read few of the daily blogs & tumbled upon one who's schooling in RP too, posted UT3 results are out. i rushed through the RP site, & got into my account, and this time.. i was glad i GENUINELY flipped, though hurting my right knee, to see such satisfying results. (: i made it through all. so yeah, mum & dad was really happy, i was happier. kissed landed on my forehead & cheeks. if Baby was around, i would instantly threw him a hug, but that Boy was in Tekong, so i happily texted him, & thanked him for his well-wishes.

so yeah, thats about it. at least, there's something for me to be happy about(: alhamdulillah.

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